this is a dude you should know.
--in bruges--
an uncomfortably funny buddy-(non)cop movie. made me want to go back to belgium sooner rather than later. colin farrell is supremely sublime at being petty & annoying. i know some people don't like his style, but he's pretty great in this movie. brendan gleeson is a great foil. now all i can think of is karate-choppin' a midget...
--up in the air--
i'll admit it: i'm pretty much a fan of anything george clooney does. (re: michael clayton). does that make it a man-crush? will sean connery be jealous if i say yes? this is a post-modern relationship comedy/drama that hits closer than you think. throw in all the ties to the recession, and this is one of the better movies i've seen lately that didn't have a yurt in it.
--an education--
i didn't realize this was going to be a romantic comedy before i started watching it! that said, i did enjoy...though i felt like i knew what was going to happen for quite awhile before it did. still though, i can dig on all the "oh, i am so bohemian" vibes that get crushed in this movie. it ain't about filling a role, it's about living your life.
--500 pages into dos passos' U.S.A. trilogy--
this keeps getting better. knee-deep in World War I, full of graft, sex, shrapnel, architecture, culture-clash...things don't really change, do they?
--cast king's saw mill man--
while volunteering at secretly canadian, i came upon, in the stack of damaged discards, an old bluesman's release on the excellent label out of chicago, Locust. the story itself would be great without the existence of the record. man documents the music of the hills, hears about an old songwriter who'd cut a side for Sun Records in the 50s. tracks him down, begins visiting regularly, begins playing music regularly. convinces him to record. saw mill man is about as spare as it gets, usually just 2 guitars, drums enter the record only once. "saw mill man" is a somber, dark account of the workingman, but it's not all doom and gloom. "peggy" is a shambling piece of a love song about a daughter, belted out through past-prime vocal chords. the closer "outlaw" is a fantastic piece of post-apocalyptic blues as i've ever heard or understood. gonna be returning to this record for awhile...
--pretty good burgers, supreme garlic/parsley fries, and a nice shake at boogie burger
--korean food for the first time ever at mama's house. probably the most interesting introduction to a cuisine i've ever seen.
--lots of fresh basil & whole milk mozzarella homemade pizza. fantastic!
--homemade mac 'n cheese with my new favorite cheese combo: raw milk white cheddar & fontina. soooooo awesome. leftover it is downright incredible. if only i could not eat some as soon as i make it.
--super great tenderloin at savage's alehouse in muncie. probably my favorite laid-back bar in the state. plus, where else can you listen to Television and sip on great beers?
--had a north coast pranqster for the first time, and really dug it. forgot that north coast is who makes old rasputin....king of motor-oil-brews. yum!
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